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Bayesian model selection for SVM/SVR following Kwok et al. ,

   Proceedings of the European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks (ESANN), pp.177-182, Bruges, Belgium, April 1999.
   for selecting the parameter C and ranking models
     A		    - SVM/SVR
   hyperparameters and their defaults:
     use_balanced_C=0  - adapt balanced C for SVM
     type='L1'	      - use l1-SVM
    train    - optimizes soft margin parameter for given data
    test     - 
     pbest      - best parameter C
     posterior  - posterior probability for the model (given the data)

Reference : (The Evidence Framework Applied to SVM / Bayesian SVR)
Author : Kwok et al
Link : Proceedings of the European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks (ESANN), pp.177-182