SPIDER The Spider Objects

L0 zero-norm minimization (Weston,Elisseeff dual method) object

   A=L0(H) returns a l0 object initialized with hyperparameters H. 
   Minimizes the zero norm of the weight vector subject to
   separability constraints. Although it is possible to deal with the 
   non-seperable case (see paper), this is not currently implemented.
    Hyperparameters, and their defaults
     feat=0         -- number of features to be selected, if feat=0, 
                       then the minimum number of feature will be computed.
     output_rank=1  -- whether a ranking is desired, if set to 0 then a
                       classification is perfomed after feature selection.
     find_min=1     -- stop with the minimum number of features if set to 1 
                       otherwise stop as soon as reach feat nonzero features
     child=svm      -- Set the classifiers to be used at each step 
    a.rank=[]       -- ranking of features
    a.child=svm     -- base classifier trained at end of process
     train, test
    d=gen(toy); a=l0; a.feat=20; a.output_rank=1;[r,a]=train(a,d);
    a.rank    - lists the chosen features in  order of importance, using 20 features
    d=gen(toy); a=l0; a.feat=0; a.output_rank=1;[r,a]=train(a,d);
    a.rank    - lists the chosen features in  order of importance, using minimum number of features

Reference : Use of the zero­norm with linear models and kernel methods
Author : J. Weston, A. Elisseeff, B. Schölkopf, and M. Tipping
Link : http://www.ai.mit.edu/projects/jmlr//papers/volume3/weston03a/weston03a.pdf